Renaissance prototypes. Tensions of past and present in early modern Europe

  • End date:
    17/03/2016, 00:00
  • Place:
    The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the three days conference “Renaissance Prototypes” to be held in Oslo at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on 28-30 September 2016.

Confirmed keynote-speakers:
Professor Christopher Celenza
Professor Virginia Cox
Professor Marianne Pade
Professor Hans Jürgen Scheuer
Please send an abstract of maximum 200 words with a brief biography by 17th March.

The registration form, the project description, and further information are to be found on our web-site:

If you do have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me, my colleague Gro Bjørnerud Mo, or the organizing committee:

Unn Falkeid:

Gro Bjørnerud Mo:

Organising committee:

Very best wishes,

Unn & Gro